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Assessing UK Government Action on Women, Peace and Security in 2019

In this shadow report, GAPS assesses the 2019 Annual Report to Parliament by the UK Government and focuses on how the UK Government has used, and could have used, the second year of implementation for this National Action Plan (NAP) to lay a strong foundation for the remaining years of the NAP.

In this important anniversary year of UNSCR 1325, we hope that Governments and donors globally, including the UK, will commit to implementing the agenda in full to ensure that the rights, needs and experiences of women and girls are met – and that women and girls can participate in the decisions that affect their lives. In this report, we call for the UK Government to scale up its Women, Peace and Security efforts, including on: funding for Women, Peace and Security, in particular for women’s rights organisations, women human rights defenders and peace-building work; address the root causes of gender inequality, violence and conflict; meet its arms control commitments; implementing the Women, Peace and Security agenda domestically; and eliminating gender-based violence and violence against women and girls.

This report builds on and complements the GAPS’s Shadow Report for 2018.

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