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Now and the Future – Pandemics and Crisis: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in a COVID-19 World and Beyond: Briefing – Ukraine

The Ukraine briefing as part of the Now and the Future – Pandemics and Crisis: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in a COVID-19 World and Beyond: Briefing looks at any changes to the COVID-19, peace, security and gender equality situation in Ukraine; any uptake of the recommendations and findings; the recommendations; and a summary of the overall project findings.

This follows the Ukraine report from Now and the Future – Pandemics and Crisis: Gender Equality, Peace and Security in a COVID-19 World and Beyond which outlines the impact of COVID-19 on gender equality, peace and security in Ukraine and makes recommendations for response to this pandemic and to future crises.

This briefing was undertaken by Nasnaga and International Alert.

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