GAPS Newsletter: March 2020
Postponements and cancellations ahead of the 20th anniversary of Women, Peace and Security
The start of this month saw the cancellations of parallel events to CSW 64, for global health concerns. The Gender Equality Forum are currently under review, this includes both Mexico City and Paris Forums. UN Women are reviewing the timelines of the convening of the Generation Equality Forum. We wait to hear back on the new timeline of events, this page will be updated with more information.
Research & Resources
Gender and displacement: South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda
Read Saferworld’s latest report on Gender and displacement: South Sudanese refugees in northern Uganda which examines if and how displacement has impacted on gender roles within South Sudanese refugee communities in northern Uganda, how this has affected gender power relations both in refugee and host communities, and the implications for conflict- and gender-sensitive refugee programming. The report examines how changes in gender roles have affected the decision-making power that refugee men and women have at home and also in the community where they live. It analyses this in the context of access to land and other livelihood opportunities and also looks at the related conflicts and conflict resolution processes in and between refugee and host communities.
Beijing +25: the fifth review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States
This extensive review by the European Institute for Gender Equality analyses the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. Although it was established 25 years ago, many of the challenges identified in 1995 remain relevant today. This report both tracks progress against these long-standing challenges and goes beyond them to assess new challenges that have emerged in recent years, including those brought by digitalisation, recent migration flows and a mounting backlash against gender equality. Much of this review also reflects on the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all UN Member States in 2015. This review is formed of three chapters. The first chapter provides an assessment of institutional developments related to gender equality at EU level. The second chapter analyses major trends and developments in the 12 areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action at EU and national levels. The final chapter provides practical recommendations for action to address key gender equality challenges identified in the previous analysis. Read in full here.
Women’s Rights in Review 25 Years After Beijing – Gender Equality Analysis Report
UN Women’s gender equality analysis review of the progress of the Beijing Platform for Action draws on a comprehensive and participatory stock-taking exercise undertaken on women’s rights, which includes contributions from 170 countries. It highlights gaps and opportunities and proposes effective solutions. This review helps the international community to look at where commitments have been broken, and to energetically recommit to action and implementation. This report includes useful infographics on the progression of the Beijing Platform for Action.
Continuities of Gendered Violence in Conflict, Making Political Economy Visible
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN) released a report with insights by young Feminists from the Global South in Continuities of Gendered Violence in Conflict, Making Political Economy Visible. DAWN’s project aims to advance a nuanced perspective on conflict and violence, through a broader, multidisciplinary and an interlinked ‘political economy lens’. They base this analysis on complex economic, social, political and cultural dynamics in various contexts, with special reference to some of the multilayered contexts of the Global South. Through case studies of countries and areas both in conflict and post conflict in Mozambique, Palestine, South Africa and Liberia, they aim to offer a new perspectives on how violence against women is embedded in local political economies of war, conflict and transition.
The Way to a Binding International Treaty on Violence Against Women: Time for Action
This paper addresses the need for a new international treaty on violence against women which would address the urgent need to establish consistency, specificity, and state accountability through a binding and refined global instrument. First, this paper examines the work of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women on this issue. Second, it recommends important guidelines for creating a binding international instrument that will contribute to protecting women. Third, it explores the processes used to create two recent treaties and how those lessons might be applied to a treaty on violence against women. Fourth, it compares the alternative of a free-standing treaty to a new optional protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) as the preferable mechanism to effectively combat violence against women. Lastly, the report suggests action items to move the process forward to create an international treaty on violence against women. Read in full here.
Tackling social norms—a game changer for gender inequalities
UNDP’s Tackling Social Norms: A game changer for gender inequalities measures how social beliefs obstruct gender equality in areas like politics, work, and education, and contains data from 75 countries, covering over 80 percent of the world’s population. The analysis reveals that, despite decades of progress closing the equality gap between men and women, close to 90 percent of men and women hold some sort of bias against women, providing new clues to the invisible barriers women face in achieving equality. The publication also includes the gender social norms index trends for 31 countries, representing 59 percent of the global population.
Resources for Women Human Rights Defenders: Our Rights, Our Safety
This manual is intended for people who work at the local and community level, and particularly for human rights activists and defenders who are facing various risks and forms of violence in their struggle to build a more just world. It contains information and educational processes from the valuable experiences and knowledge of women and their movements in different parts of the world, and is designed to help deepen the vision, analysis and practices necessary to creating a safer environment for the defence of human rights. This manual was produced by JASS (Just Associates) in collaboration with the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights Defenders. Share and read more here.
COVID-19 resources on the gendered impact:
COVID-19: Exposing the Fault Lines – WILPF
WILPF have published analysis on the current reality with COVID-19. In the article What has COVID-19 Taught Us about Neoliberalism?, WILPF seek to answer the questions: “how we got here?”, by looking at the political economy and how capitalism and the ideology of neoliberalism has devastated the structures which should ensure cooperation and solidarity. Then in the article Organise or Militarise they look into how militarisation as a way of thought has diverted resources away from where they should have been directed, and the inevitable impact that has had on the ability to address the crisis. Lastly, they look at the possibilities. In situations of crisis, there are two default positions: we either react with fear and aggression or we cooperate, show solidarity and compassion, and deal with the crisis as a collective. In “Waging War” Against a Virus is NOT What We Need to Be Doing they explore how both positions are appearing in the way governments and individuals are responding to COVID-19.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Immigrant Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
Read the Tahirih Justice Center’s report on the specific impact that COVID-19 has on immigrant survivors of gender-based violence in the US. In this report, they break down how factors such as a loss of employment, borders closing, isolation, increase in violence, inability to escape a violent situation and many more will make this situation even more dangerous for immigrant survivors of gender-based violence.
Gender Implications of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Development & Humanitarian Settings – CARE International
In this paper CARE International analyse the implications that the spread of COVID-19 has on women and girls in development and humanitarian settings. Their analysis shows that COVID-19 outbreaks in development or humanitarian contexts could disproportionately affect women and girls in a number of ways, including adverse effects on their education, food security and nutrition, health, livelihoods, and protection. Read in full here.
Preventing & Managing the Spread of COVID-19 Within Domestic Violence Programs
The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gathered select resources that can offer helpful guidance for domestic violence programs in preparing for and responding to the coronavirus pandemic. They have also included a wealth of information and recommendations, including specific guidance for homeless shelters. To read these resources, click here.
For more helpful information and analysis on the gendered impact of COVID-19, have a look at Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy and NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.
Webinar: Gender inequalities in social protection – people, households and climate adaptation
Join the International Institute for Environment and Development for an online discussion on the role of social protection schemes and how they can incorporate climate-resilience objectives and respond to the different needs of women and men.
When: 16:30-18:00, Thursday 2 April 2020
To join and for more information, click here.
DFID hosted event: Violence against women and girls is preventable, but what will it take?
Tuesday 3rd March 2020, global experts celebrating the end of UKAID’s DFID’s What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Global Programme. You can now watch the event online. To watch the event, click here.
Call for Contributions: Gender & Development – Health of Women & Girls
In March 2021, Gender & Development will publish an issue focusing on gender and health with a particular focus on the health of women and girls. This issue will feature the perspectives and experiences of feminist activists of all generations, working across research, policy, practice, and political activism. They are now calling for contributions to this issue.
Deadline to send your idea is Thursday 9 April 2020.
For more information, click here.
Call for Contributions: Youth voices on COVID-19 & conflict
Our Generation for Inclusive Peace (OGIP) are currently seeking contributions for their blog on the impact of COVID-19 on young people living and working in conflict affected contexts. The OGIP blog is a space for contributions of various mediums including but not limited to poetry, academic research, artwork, policy analysis, podcasts, photography and vlogs.
For more information, click here.
Call for Nominations: UNESCO Prize for Girls’ & Women’s Education 2020
Governments of UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are invited to nominate up to three individuals, institutions or organisations who have made strong, innovative contributions in favour of girls’ and women’s education. The Prize awards US $50,000 annually to two laureates making outstanding efforts in favour of girls’ and women’s education.
Deadline for submissions is Tuesday 26 May 2020.
For more information, click here.
Jobs & Volunteering
ActionAid UK
Chair (London), apply by Thursday 30 April
CARE International UK
Knowledge Management and Communications Officer (London), apply by Friday 10 April
Management Accountant – Fundraising and Resources (London), apply by Friday 17 April
Conciliation Resources
Programme Support Officer, South East Asia and the Pacific Team (Melbourne), apply by Thursday 2 April
International Rescue Committee
Inclusion Adviser (New York)
Senior Adviser, Strategic Partnership (London), apply by Monday 13 April
Mercy Corps
Regional Team Leader – Humanitarian Response (London)
Senior Director, Peace and Governance (London or Washington DC)
Oxfam GB
Community Advocacy Officer (Diyala), apply by Thursday 2 April
Programme Officer (Accra), apply by Tuesday 7 April
Finance Assistant (Jakarta), apply by Friday 3 April
Gender Adviser (Dushanbe), apply by Friday 3 April
Membership Manager (Geneva), apply by Thursday 2 April
International Peace Institute
Women, Peace and Security Research Fellow (New York), apply by Sunday 19 April