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GAPS Newsletter: April 2020


New GAPS Paper – Call to Action: Now and the Future, COVID-19 and Gender Equality, Global Peace and Security

GAPS, with the support of GAPS members released ‘Call to Action: Now and the Future, COVID-19 and Gender Equality, Global Peace and Security’ which addresses the deeply gendered impact of COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to over a million confirmed cases, and tens of hundreds of deaths worldwide so far. As we see global responses to COVID-19, the GAPS position is that a rights-based approach and gender- conflict analysis must be at the centre of any global response and recovery. This must assess not only the virus’s disproportionate impact on people, communities and countries based on their intersecting identities, including gender, race, ethnicity, disability, class, age and social-economic status; but also takes into account how this pandemic is impacting conflict dynamics which are also gendered in themselves. Read the position paper in full here.

Generation Equality Forum Postponed

The Generation Equality Forum has officially been postponed until the first half of 2021. The new dates will be announced in the coming months. They have announced that in the months leading to the Generation Equality Forum, they will be orgnaising a series of virtual engagements in collaboration with their partners to foster continued momentum, participation and commitment of all stakeholders. Stay up to date here.

Research & Resources

The First 100 Days of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Asia & the Pacific: A Gender Lens

UN Women’s document highlights what is known about the gender impacts of COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific region thus far. While not all impacts of this pandemic are clear at this time, and the situation is evolving rapidly, it is clear that the gender and social inequalities that underpinned societies before the pandemic are now exacerbated, making bad situations for women and girls worse. This document provides a rapid and preliminary review of the gendered impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic 100 days after the first cases were reported to the World Health Organization.

Challenging the Misinformation Epidemic with Accurate Information & Gender Analysis

The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) is developing a COVID-19 and Women, Peace and Security database, which will document the impacts of COVID-19 on local communities affected by conflict as well as on women’s work on peacebuilding, conflict prevention and sustaining peace. GNWP is using its global network of over 100 organisations around the world to collect accurate and up-to-date information.The database will also aim to encourage the development of gender-responsive and conflict-sensitive interventions on COVID-19. The COVID19- Women, Peace and Security database is a living document that will continuously be updated with information provided by local women and youth peacebuilders as well as secondary data. GNWP has also developed a Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy and Appeal to guide its work during the pandemic and present critical recommendations to mitigate its impact without sacrificing peacebuilding efforts and human rights.

COVID-19 Could Condemn Women To Decades of Poverty: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s and Girls’ Economic Justice and Rights

This policy brief from CARE International focuses on the risks that COVID-19 poses to women’s and girls’ economic empowerment. CARE’s research demonstrate the many ways that the pandemic will disproportionately affect women and girls for years to come. While working with partners, women’s rights groups and the most marginalized women to realize economic equality—including financial inclusion, dignified work, and entrepreneurship—CARE has learned that where women and girls cannot participate equally, their health, education, and economic development are jeopardized. This policy brief supplements recommendations with additional suggestions on how to integrate a gender lens into specific aspects of the economic justice and rights discussion. 

Not Just Hotlines and Mobile Phones: Gender-based violence service provision during COVID-19

This short discussion note for gender-based violence specialists explores low-tech ways to reach women and girls at risk of violence. COVID-19 controls in many countries have come hand-in-hand with a suspension of gender-based violence services. Some services are now phone-based, but this is not a solution that works for all. This note provides a few ideas to a challenging problem of reaching survivors who cannot easily access phone-based gender-based violence support. It is intended to spark conversation in the hope that additional contributions and innovations from others will result. Read the note in full here.

Global Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19

This report by CARE International and Internaional Rescue Committee is for humanitarians working in fragile contexts that are likely to be affected by the COVID-19 crisis. It is organised around broad themes and areas of focus of particular importance to those whose programming advances gender equality and reduces gender inequalities. It seeks to deepen the current gender analysis available by encompassing learning from global gender data available for the COVID-19 public health emergency. Read the full report here.

Crises Collide: Women and Covid-19

This report by the Women’s Budget Group sets out to outline issues relating to women and Covid-19 in the UK and makes recommendations for gender-sensitive improvements to the UK Government’s response. This briefing ultimately sets out the key gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis and also highlights impacts on other equality groups. It makes recommendations for a gender-sensitive response to mitigate the worst effects on women, gender equality and other marginalised groups. 

Gender Relations  in Northeast Nigeria (Adamawa, Borno and Yobe)

Written for the Managing Conflict in Nigeria programme of the British Council (funded by the EU) these three policy briefs examine gender relations in three states in northeast Nigeria. After highlighting key conflict and security dynamics in the state, each report outlines key gender dynamics, looking at: association with perpetuating conflict and violence; continuing physical and psychological impacts of violence; livelihoods and economic conditions; participation and voice; gender-based violence; and changing gender norms and realities. Read the Adamawa, Borno and Yobe reports here.


Additional COVID-19 Resources:

How to stop Coronavirus Lockdown Leading to an Upsurge in Violence Against Women – FEMNET, Oxfam

Beyond sex and gender analysis: an intersectional view of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and response – University of Melbourne

COVID-19 School Closures Around the World Will Hit Girls Hardest – Plan International 

Gender-Responsiveness is Key to Leaving No One Behind in the COVID-19 Pandemic – Arrow

COVID-19 and Violence Against Women: What the Health Sector/System can do – World Health Organization

COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls – UN Women

Guidelines for Protecting the Rights of Women & Girls During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Women’s Link Worldwide, Amnesty International and IPPF

Disability Considerations in GBV Programming during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Gender-Based Violence AoR

Violence Against Women and Girls Data Collection during COVID-19 – UN Women, World Health Organization

Safety and Support Resources – Women’s Aid


Olive Branch or Fig Leaf? The Risks and Opportunities of the Global Ceasefire Call in the Time of Corona

Hosted by the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security

When: Tuesday 12 May 2020, 15:30 – 17:00

For more information, click here.


Free Covid-19 Training

RedR UK is offering free training to ensure that everyone in the UK has access to accurate and digestible information on COVID-19. The training is free and designed for anyone providing help to those affected – including volunteers. The course will teach you how to manage your own stress in these difficult times, how to adapt and protect your mental health, and how to provide emotional support safely and effectively to others who are struggling.

For more information and how to register, click here.

WIIS Essay Competition 1325 and Beyond (Deadline Extended)

In the run up to the 20th anniversary of the UNSCR 1325, Women In International Security (WIIS) and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington, DC are launching an international graduate student essay competition 1325AndBeyond. The essay contest is intended to highlight innovative and imaginative ideas and strategies to achieve the objectives of 1325 in the 2020s.

Deadline for submission: Sunday 10 May 2020

For more information, click here.

Call for Submissions for WIPC’s “Feminist Peace Series” Magazine

Women’s International Peace Centre is seeking contributions in the form of articles, reviews, artwork, photography, poems, illustrations profiles/features (on individuals or collectives) and more on Feminist Peace Realities. They highly encourage young women across the region to submit their work. Written pieces should be between 500 to 1000 words.

Deadline for submissions: Monday 4 May 2020

For more information, click here.

Call for Submissions for AWID ‘Feminist Realities’ Digital Magazine

AWID is seeking contributions in the form of articles, reviews, artwork, photography, profiles/ features (on individuals or collectives), and more. They are looking for contributions by /about people who are actively living Feminist Realities in the ways they express themselves (from fashion to social media), in how they care for themselves, their families, and their communities (from feminist parenting to queer kinship), in how they are shaping their journeys and crossing borders (both literally and figuratively), in how they are investigating and transforming their relationships with land and nature and in how they are defining and claiming pleasure.

Deadline for submissions: Friday 15 May 2020

For more information, click here.

Call for Nominations: UNESCO Prize for Girls’ & Women’s Education 2020

Governments of UNESCO Member States and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in official partnership with UNESCO are invited to nominate up to three individuals, institutions or organisations who have made strong, innovative contributions in favour of girls’ and women’s education. The Prize awards US $50,000 annually to two laureates making outstanding efforts in favour of girls’ and women’s education.

Deadline for submissions: Tuesday 26 May 2020

For more information, click here.

Jobs & Volunteering

CARE International UK

Humanitarian Programmme Management Coordinator (London), apply by Wednesday 6 May

Conciliation Resources

Programme Officer – Research and Advocacy (Melbourne), apply by Friday 22 May

International Rescue Committee

Consortium Director (London)

Senior Program Business Development Advisor (London, Washington DC or New York)

Senior Budget Advisor (Washington DC)

Mercy Corps

Senior Director, Peace and Governance (London or Washington DC)

Humanitarian Access & Security Manager – Iraq

Humanitarian Leadership & Response Team Leader – Africa (Goma)

Oxfam GB

Gender Coordinator (Freetown), apply by Friday 8 May

Gender Officer (Mosul), apply by Sunday 10 May

Livelihood Program Manager (Goma), apply by Wednesday 20 May

Safety & Security Coordinator (Yangon), apply by Sunday 31 May

Womankind Worldwide

Policy and Advocacy Manager on Violence Against Women and Girls (London), apply by Monday 25 May

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