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GAPS is looking for a website and design developer

GAPS is looking for website services and consistent branding to enhance the visibility and expertise of GAPS’s work. Read the full Call for Tender here. 

Title of consultancy  Website development, maintenance and design services for Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS) 
Type of consultancy  Fixed-term contract 
Address for submission of offers 
Location  Remote consultancy 
Closing date for applicants  Extended deadline: 20 February 2025 
Application requirements  Please submit a proposal with project timeframes, cost and including examples from your portfolio 

The hired consultant should provide training to GAPS staff to hand-over management of the website and branding. An additional consultancy fee may be paid for additional ad-hoc support outside of this contract period. This website should provide accessible resources for our main audiences, which are academics, CSOs, state actors, such as the UK, and other stakeholders. GAPS is a feminist network that works to facilitate network-building and knowledge production through decolonial and anti-racist ways of working. Potential members should be able to understand the impact of GAPS’s work and how there can be mutual learnings from becoming a member.  A significant element of GAPS’s work is bridging access for South-based women rights organisations and women-led organisations to UK policy makers. GAPS’s website should, therefore, be accessible, adaptable and user-friendly. This should also include templates for social media and publication outputs that are consistent with GAPS’s branding and easily adaptable for GAPS staff-use. Specific design requirements will be developed once the contract begins. 

Overall, the website and design package aims to boost awareness around GAPS and the WPS agenda, to improve access to information, promote work on WPS and to create and inspire community discussion.

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