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GAPS is hiring a Policy, Advocacy and Communications Manager

Apply by 6pm, Thursday 7th January 2020, GAPS POLICY ADVOCACY AND COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER (up to 12 month contract) The GAPS Policy Advocacy and Communications Manager will support the coordination and development of the GAPS network. The GAPS Policy Advocacy and Communications Manager…

GAPS Newsletter: June 2020

Research & Resources The Shadow Pandemic: Gender-Based Violence among Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar This report by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) used data collected from their women’s centres and health programme sites in 19 camps across Cox’s Bazar to…

GAPS Newsletter: May 2020

Research & Resources Creating lasting impact: The power of women-led localised responses to COVID-19 ActionAid's policy brief highlights why COVID-19 poses a significant threat to women’s rights, and makes a series of practical recommendations for COVID-19 response efforts to be…

GAPS Newsletter: April 2020

Updates New GAPS Paper - Call to Action: Now and the Future, COVID-19 and Gender Equality, Global Peace and Security GAPS, with the support of GAPS members released ‘Call to Action: Now and the Future, COVID-19 and Gender Equality, Global…

GAPS Newsletter: January 2020

Updates 2020 - A big year for Women, Peace and Security 2020 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995). The Generation Equality Forum, a civil society-led global gathering…

APPG on Women, Peace and Security: 2020 Inaugural Meeting

On Tuesday 7 January 2020, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women, Peace and Security (APPG-WPS) held its inaugural meeting. The meeting was chaired by Baroness Fiona Hodgson of Abinger CBE, Co-Chair of the APPG-WPS. Baroness Hodgson thanked Anne Milton MP,…

GAPS is hiring a Policy, Advocacy and Communications Coordinator!

*APPLICATIONS FOR THIS POSITION ARE NOW CLOSED* Apply by 6pm on Sunday 5 January to be the GAPS Policy, Advocacy and Communications Coordinator! The GAPS Policy Advocacy and Communications Coordinator will support the coordination and development of the GAPS network. The…

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