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Women’s rights: A teacher’s story

News from our partners at Amnesty International UK: Jo Dibb is the headmistress at a London school. But whose words is she speaking? Find out at

Women’s rights: A doctor’s story

News from our partners at Amnesty International UK: Dr Caroline Wright is a gynaecologist in Surrey, England. But whose words is she speaking? Find out at

Syria: Solidarity vigil

No women, no peace. would like to inform you of a vigil that will be taking place next week. A message from the organisers: 'Vigil for Syria Tuesday 3rd of September Blackfriars bridge to Westminster Join us in support for…

Warsi: The petition hand-in

After 4 months of campaigning, and 19,428 signatures later, No women, no peace. and Amnesty UK handed in your petition calling for strong UK action to tackle violence against women to Baroness Warsi at the end of last month. We…


Noorjahan Akbar, 22, is an Afghan women's rights activist and a prolific blogger. Although she is now studying in the United States, Noorjahan writes about the issues confronting women in Afghanistan for online magazines and blogs. Global Voices Online has…

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